Monday, January 11, 2010


The kangaroo or ROO as they say down here,
are as numerous as our deers.
As soon as you drive away from town,they are
all over in farmer's fields.
When I first got here,I thought that I would make
a wish if I saw one .Well, now I have made about
50 wishes so far !!!!
The worst part is that everybody likes to eat
" Skippy".
I haven't had the heart for it yet...

Sunny today ,about 28 degree,and windy.
The nights dipped at about 10 degree in the last
few days(that's the weather in Vancouver right now)
Which makes our sleep very comfortable.
We have not use our air conditioned in the last week.
Very comfortable in the shade.


Christine said...

J'espère que tu n'avais pas juste apporté tes costumes de bain!

La ma tante préférée de l'autre said...

Chère ma soeur,

J'étais bien habillée pour le voyage.Alors pas trop de problème .
La fraîcheur de la nuit nous aide à dormir...
C'est vraiment super beau par ici.J'adore.
PS Ils ont besoin d'une HEAD NURSE à l'Hôpital de Busselton!!!!!!!!Who knows???????