Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Last night ,George came home with a bicycle.
I get to use it when he is at work.
What a treat.There is a bike path
all the way to town.I got a bit excited
today and cycle for two hours.
The day was a bit too hot and the seat
too hard.I didn't feel so good coming back.
I ran out of water to drink...
Oh well ,I'm all better now.
I 've got to go to the store tomorrow to  get a
lock and a helmet.
With a little bit of luck,
George will have another day off.....again


sophie@montréal said...

Wow mommy, that picture looks like paradise! Christian et moi magasinons un nouvel appartement pour le printemps... je te tiens au courant. Have a good time at the campground!

La ma tante préférée de l'autre said...

Allô Toupie,
C'est vraiment comme ça .
Et les gens ici sont tellement gentils.
And I got a new seat for my bike !!!!
Much softer.

Bonne Chance à vous deux pour l'appart.