I left Vancouver at midnight and promptly fell asleep until 7 AM.
I have not slept well in the past few days.Too excited !!!!!
The two young ladies beside me were just coming back from
Vancouver visiting their parents for 3 months.They both said that
they wished they could have stayed longer..(father an ingeneer
on contract for a year in Vancouver)
It's was a 15 hour non-stop flight !!! My BUM and my right leg were
NUMB when we landed in Sydney.
I missed the connecting flight to Perth so I got to wait 5 hrs
before my next flight (I think it is the same length of time
as Vancouver -Montréal 5 to 6 hours flight ) Just enough time to
numb the other leg !!!!! HA ha ha...
Hot , humid and sunny.Some people have all the luck!!!
They spray the inside of the plane before we disembark in Sydney .
There was also a sniffing dog at the luggage carrousel.
But they don't care about liquids on the domestic flight...
Go figure...
In Vancouver they made me take my scarf off (in case I had sewn
explosive in it ,but I got to keep my underwear on.. )C'est la vie.
Gooday (as they say)
C'est quand tu es partie anyway.
mardi ca dit partie de Nanaimo et encore mardi minuit tu es a Sydney..heure la bas??
Quand nous sommes revenus du Senegal ils nous ont spayed like that....j'ai trouve ca comique
Demande -moi pas comment ça marche pour les jours,je suis tout à l'envers.
Je suis partie le 4 (lundi) mais le vol était à minuit
de Vancouver (donc le 5)
Le vol est de 15 heures+5 h d'attente à Sydney pour connecter à un vol pour Perth et 3 h de route pour Busselton!!!!!!!!!!!
Je me sentais un peu molle en arrivant à l'hôtel...
Ayoye mechante trip hahahah. Est-ce que tu restes a l'hotel tout le temps ou vous louer quelque chose..
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