Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Yesterday I got a couple of young kids with stomach flu.
So today I went to their class to teach them proper handwashing.
But first I had to fill up the soap dispenser and the paper in the washrooms!!!!!!!
Anyway ,I found some Glowgerm  Powder and a blacklight  so
everybody could try.I was a huge success,then I gave them some pictures
to draw and some stickers.It was super fun.
Even the teacher said she really enjoyed it.
I just love this job.


Mimi Roy said...

Au secours.. les poux eux quoi on fais avec? Y'a 2-3 jeunes ici qui en ont à répétition.
Donne moi un ti cours

La ma tante préférée de l'autre said...

Si t'as pas du NIX ou du Kwellada or R&C il faut que tu t'armes de patience et leur remplir le scalp de conditioner and comb ever so carefully to slip them off ,with the fine comb every second day.
.Faut nettoyer leur combs brush hats ect And there is always the good old fashion
shaving the head !! Cool for the summer !!